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Small Biz Mama

Sep 1, 2020

Now that you are working from home you, your kids and your business need a schedule. Put some structure in your home and business life.

For a complete transcript check out our show notes for episode 24 on

• Studies have shown that schedules and routines influence many aspects of children’s development (emotional, cognitive, and social). Predictable schedules help young children feel secure, safe and comfortable. Schedules and routines actually help reduce behavior problems, such as tantrums and aggression.
• Psychologist Dani Kaufman was recently quoted in an article on, titled ‘Raising well-adjusted kids’. The article suggests that there is one ritual that every parent should do with their child before the age of seven. The ritual in question? Routine.
• Developing your own family ritual/schedule will give your child consistency and security in the home, as well as setting them up with good habits for life. Building routines with your children helps them to feel safe’, says Dani. ‘They know what to expect when they go home, and it provides them with clear boundaries, expectations, and consistency.’
• In what some researchers have described as an ‘epidemic of anxiety’, the predictability and familiarity that comes with routine offers the perfect ‘safe space’ that kids need.
• Not only is routine hugely helpful in making your kids feel safe, it’s also fundamental in the development of good habits.
• Habits that come with routine show kids that there are consequences to their behaviors. For example, perhaps part of the routine is that play time only starts when homework is finished, or that dessert is only served when all their vegetables are eaten.
• Whether you work from home, are self-employed, or work outside the home, maintaining a consistent work schedule is important. There are several key reasons why keeping a work schedule is vital to the success of any business.
• A work schedule is imperative to getting work done in a well-organized manner. Most employers draw up work schedules that aim to reduce labor cost and get the maximum amount of work accomplished in the allotted time.
• When you are working under a deadline, a work schedule is a valuable structure that ensures the deadline will be met.
• By working under a prearranged amount of time, you can prioritize the work that needs to be done. In some settings, employers will lay out exactly what tasks need to be completed during the shift.
• A work schedule is essential to maintaining a balance between life and work. This is especially true for those who work from home, as it is often difficult to tear yourself away from work and focus on family, friends, and personal time.
• Stress is an unavoidable part of work and life. Creating a work schedule, however, can help put things in a distinct time frame and allow you to leave your work at the workplace.
Methods to Implement a Schedule into Your Daily Routine
• Utilize a weekly planner or You can also use apps and software such as Google Calendar®, MS Outlook® and Business Calendar. Choose a scheduling tool that suits your situation, the current structure of your job, your personal taste, and your budget.
• Follow this six-step process to prepare your schedule:
• Identify the time you have available.
• Block in the essential tasks you must carry out to succeed in your job.
• Schedule high-priority urgent tasks and vital "housekeeping" activities.
• Block in appropriate contingency time to handle unpredictable events and interruptions.
• Schedule the activities that address your priorities and personal goals in the time that remains.
• Analyze your activities to identify tasks that can be delegated, outsourced or cut altogether.
Here are nine ways to make a schedule work for you and your family.
1. FInd a Method That Works for You
2. Have a Bedtime Routine
3. Ditch the Devices
4. Prepare Ahead
5. Visualize It
6. Adjust As You Go
7. Be Consistent
8. Expect Setbacks
9. Don’t Forget Downtime

For the complete show, notes go to small biz**************************

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